Talvez se gaste saliva à toa.
Talvez redefinir a virtuose seja virtuosismo.
Talvez anti-espetáculo se torne em alguma medida espetacular.
Talvez conceitos te movam pelos espaços, antes que você escolha por onde começar.
Talvez todo corpo está sendo coreografado, mesmo que você não pense nisso.
Talvez herói, talvez anti-herói, talvez picaresco.
Talvez técnica seja imprescindível.
Talvez fazer seja um pensar. Talvez fazer pensar. Talvez pensar fazendo.
Talvez o performer não tenha controle sob o grau de envolvimento do seu espectador.
Talvez seja importante o performer pensar no seu espectador.
Talvez afetuosos, sensíveis, desordeiros, confusos, ilógicos, precisos, materialistas, abstratos, experimentalistas, tarefeiros, complexos, festivos, claros, ousados, presunçosos, amorosos, excêntricos.
Talvez seja uma ausência de manifestação.
Talvez confundir seja explicar.
Talvez excesso seja uma incapacidade de filtrar.
Talvez simplicidade seja uma incapacidade de investigar à fundo.
Maybe we are not superficial, cause we love penetration.
Talvez complexidade.
Talvez nenhuma dança seja universal.
Talvez universal de um universo particular.
Talvez a economia modifique sua dança.
Talvez sua proposta ainda não tenha nome.
Talvez tudo se torne cada dia mais flexível.
Talvez, a cada dia, esteja mais difícil tomar uma decisão.
Talvez sim, talvez não.
Maybe our spit is spent in idle talk.
Maybe to redefine virtuosity is already virtuosity.
Maybe the anti-spectacle will become, in some measure, spectacular.
Maybe concepts move you across spaces, even before you choose where to begin.
Maybe all bodies are already being choreographed, even if you never think of it.
Maybe hero, maybe anti-hero, maybe picaresque.
Maybe technique is indispensable.
Maybe to make is to think. Maybe to make think. Maybe to think making.
Maybe the performer has no control on the degree of a spectator’s involvement.
Maybe it is important for the performer to think on his or her spectator.
Maybe they are caring, sensitive, disorderly, confused, illogical, precise, materialists, busybodies, complex, festive, clear, daring, presumptuous, loving, excentric.
Maybe there is a lack of demonstration.
Maybe to confound is to explain.
Maybe excess is incapacity to filter.
Maybe simplicity is incapacity to investigate deeply.
Maybe we are not superficial, cause we love penetration.
Maybe complexity.
Maybe no dance is universal.
Maybe it is universal in a particular universe.
Maybe the economy will modify your dance.
Maybe your proposal does not have a name yet.
Maybe everything will daily become more flexible.
Maybe each day it is becoming more difficult to make a decision.
Maybe yes, maybe no.
* autoria e realização Bruno Freire. iniciativa Bruno Freire, Cristian Duarte e Thelma Bonavita.
** trad. Andre Lepecki